Training Tips for a Century Ride
Training Tips for a Century Ride
- Stay Hydrated! Drink 12 ounces of water or sports drink per hour of riding.
- Slowly add more miles on training rides.
- Proper bike fit. Get a professional bike fit to ensure you have the right equipment and a comfortable ride.
- Only ride in a paceline with people you are comfortable with. Riding close to newbies can be a little dangerous.
- Fuel for training, plan on eating a high energy snack for every hour you ride.
- Comfortable clothing can make or break a long ride. Wear shorts with a chamois if riding longer than 20 miles.
- Prepare for a flat, bring a patch kit and CO2 cartridge and knowledge on how to fix a flat.
- Ride steady, maintain a cadence of 70 to 80 rpms for uphill and between 85-95 rpms on flat roads.
- Stretch! spend at least 10-15 minutes stretching every day, especially after a long ride.
- Rest day, give your body time to relax and recover. Go for a walk or take a yoga class instead of riding.
Showers Pass is a proud supporter of the National MS Society and Bike MS.